Hello Shelter Island Presbyterian Church and grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! The world has experienced a time of great historical unrest with the Covid-19 pandemic, political turmoil, financial hardship, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. How are we to respond as followers of Jesus?
With God’s love. One of my favorite verses in the New Testament is from I Peter 4:8, which proclaims, “Above all, love one another deeply...” The very foundation of my pastoral ministry is this radical, transformative love, for it is this love that enables and empowers us to love ALL unconditionally. As followers of Jesus, if we love one another deeply, as the Apostle Peter says, then spiritual growth will happen, and if spiritual growth is happening, then the ministry of Shelter Island will grow in every desired way. As your Pastor, my primary goal for myself and for Shelter Island is simple yet challenging. It is to allow God’s love to grow deeper within us and to then go forth and give it away to all.
As I close, I want to extend a special thank you to the PNC and to the Session of Shelter Island PC, and to the Presbytery of Long Island and to any others I may have missed who helped make it possible for me and my family to be here with you. We look forward to living and serving with you on Shelter Island for many years to come!
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Steve